About Me


Yes, I know, I know another food blog, but hear me out. My name is Chrissy, and I am a food addict.

At least half the pictures on my Instagram are of food; cooking and looking up recipes and food blogs is my main form of procrastination. I have a serious problem. I’d rather spend my money on eating out than on clothes and not too many things give me more happiness than cooking for and eating with my friends and family.

I am half Greek and have big families on both my parents sides. As such, I have always grown up with food being a big part of family gatherings. I have learnt to cook from both my grandmothers who are the best cooks, my aunts and my parents. For me food is so much more than sustenance, it is intrinsically linked to my family, my cultural background and is an expression of love for those I cook for and those I share food with (sorry – so corny, I know!). So, for the simple fact that food consumes so much of my time, and that much to the horror of my friends I photograph most things I eat, I decided to make a blog so at least my addiction was somewhat productive.

So this blog is basically a diary containing the details of my not-so-secret love affair with food. It will explore recipes I create and cook, food I find and lust after on other blogs and details of my food adventures around Sydney and wherever I travel.

Thanks for clicking onto my website, I hope you enjoy!

Happy eating! xx

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